CMYK images not supported in IE (untill version 9)

Got myself browsing through a bunch of recently finished sites from our team when I discovered a new banner image in one of them. Cool i thought , nice one . A professionaly looking banner always gives a great look on your site .

While i am used in using Mozilla Firefox , i opened an IE 8 to get the feeling on the same jobs .
Number 1 ok , number 2 , ok , number 3 ?? where the heck is the banner .????!!!!!

Checked html source , the paths where ok . Why should a picture show in firefox and not IE ??? .
A little googling revealed a nice article . CMYK images are not rendered in older versions ( pre 9 ) of Internet explorer . OK opened the image in Gimp , changed color mode , uploaded , and there it is .

Have a look at the source article here  , and try it out .

Hint Mode On.

There is a fine tool checking browser compatibility for  IE .You can find it here

Hint mode Off.