Is it Joomla ?? Or not

Hmmm, in seeking of the plaform used for a web site , did some research about How to tell if a website is joomla or not .

Here are the results .

a) Check for meta-generator in a web page source ( Joomla reveals there it’s identity )

( It is easy to hide it , just add JFactory::getDocument()->setGenerator(''); in default’s template index.php just after defined(‘_JEXEC’) or die; )

b) add /?tp=1 in url . If it is Joomla 1.5 , it will present you with templates positions ( In 1,6 and above this is off by   default and can be turned in in templates option .

c) add /administrator in URL .You will be presented with the Joomla Control Panel’s login screen  ( Can be hidden with a bunch of usefull plugins ) .

d) add ?template=beez ( one of the provided template ) to the URL .You will see a different view of it !!  ( you can always remove unnecessary templates from your installation

e) Check for robots.txt file ( ) you will see a bunch of joomla’s directory’s that the webmaster want to keep away from web spiders eyes .

f) Check a components xml file  ( ) if its there , Yeap it is Joomla

g) Search for a forgotten distribution configuration file ( ) . Yes , Yes it had to be removed after install 🙂 .

to be continued